A total of 300 new skills, including 90 new elite skills, for the two new Factions professions and the six core professions from Guild WarsMore than 50 new locales, including story missions, combat arenas, and explorable areasMore than 100 new creatures …
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A total of 300 new skills, including 90 new elite skills, for the two new Factions professions and the six core professions from Guild Wars More than 50 new locales, including story missions, combat arenas, and explorable areas More than 100 new creatures New guild halls New faces, hair styles, and armor sets for both Factions and the core professions New pets Hundreds of new weapons and items
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Detta är den senaste informationen från tillverkaren. Om du har mer frågor om tillgängliga språkalternativ kan du vanligtvis hitta informationen på utgivarens websida.